To earn a referral is a testament to one’s ability and reputation. Perhaps character and professionalism, too. But to know, with confidence, that you can take a referral and deliver on it.. that is the ultimate mark of seasoned, valuable business broker, and what I have striven towards over the last 20 years.
2017 MVP Top Business Broker
It was a great honor to receive Transworld Business Brokers’ highest honors for 2017. The award is recognition of persistence, needle-sharp, unrelenting customer service, applied experience and professionalism The awards are a prestigious mark of distinction, of course, but what is more important is the referrals: the referrals that have earned me the awards and the subsequent referrals that will result in future leadership rankings.
Your referral is my highest compliment.
You see this phrase on the backs of business cards. You hear it often repeated at networking meetings. The phrase is one of the most quoted axioms in business today. It is meaningless if there is nothing to back it up. Our experience and our results tell a different story.
My team and I take referrals seriously. We follow-up, we communicate often, we put our full resources behind every worthy opportunity to deliver on our promise.